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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori a Cartuccia
Alta Densita di Potenza
Alta Densità con TC
Media Densità
Bassa densità
Altissima Densità
Hi-Temp. Super Sealing
Bassa Tensione
PTC Autolimitanti
Riscaldatori per Bulloni
Riscaldatori a Cartuccia per Fluidi
Super Stagna ad Alta Temp.
Accessori & Costruzioni speciali
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Apri/ChiudiElementi Microtubulari
Misure Standard
Modulo d'Ordine
Macchina Spiralatrice
Versioni Speciali
Super Stagna ad Alta Temp.
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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori per Ugelli
Caratteristiche (Piromax)
A Fascia in Ottone
A Fascia in Acciao Inox
A Fascia Sottillissimi
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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori a Fascia
Riscaldatori con isolamento in Mica
Riscaldatori in Ceramica
Riscaldatori Rettangolari
Cast Alu/Brass Heaters
Protection Housings
Insulating Pads
Contact Accessories
Connection Boxes
Clamping Devices
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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori Piatti
Mica Flat Heaters
Cast Alu/Brass Heaters
Grooved Heating Plates
Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori a Cartuccia Piatti
Connection Options
Heating Options
Bending in Shapes
Application and Shapes
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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori Tubolari
Plain Tubular Heaters
Square Cross-Section
Finned Tubular Heaters
Duct Air Heaters
Threaded Immersion Heaters
Flanged Immension Heaters
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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori a Cartuccia per Radiatori
Riscaldatori a Potenza Costante
Riscaldatori PTC Autolimitanti
Connettori e adattamenti
Unità di Controllo
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Apri/ChiudiIrradiatori Infrarossi
Applicazioni & Scelte
Dati Tecnici
Gruppi con parabola
Colori Termosensibili
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Apri/ChiudiCompleti-Riscaldatori Ceramici
Technical Data
Apri/ChiudiTermocoppie & Resistenze
TC isolati con MgO
Conventional TC
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Apri/ChiudiCavi Scaldanti
Potenza Costante
Minerale Isolato
Protezione contro Gelo
Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori Flessibili
Etched Foils - Informazioni Generali
Features - Etched Foils
Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori per Fusti
Riscaldatori per Fusti Integrali
Riscaldatori flessibili per Fusti
Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori MoSi2
Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori ad Aria
Apri/ChiudiUnita di Controllo temperature

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Large-Diameter Cartridge Heaters for Fluids

For heating liquids, air and gases.

Dimensions, diameter
Nominal value, diameter 38 mm 48 mm 58 mm
Outer diameter, head 52 mm 54 mm 63 mm
Height, head 20 mm 10 mm 8 mm
Nominal value, diameter 38 mm 48 mm 58 mm
Outer diameter, head 52 mm 54 mm 63 mm
Height, head 20 mm 10 mm 8 mm

Dimensions (length)
Minimum mounting length approximately 90 mm, increasing in units of about 50 mm. Maximum dimensions practically unlimited, depending on the technical requirements. About 10% longitudinal expansion to be considered while measuring length of the heating element on account of heating (special models possible in mm-wise length increments).

Any convenient power, depending on use type, installation and environment conditions. Maximum power (heated elements are 50 mm long each) corresponding to the heating of the following media:
- Water, stationary; 300 Watt 380 Watt 450 Watt
- Caustic solution, fluid 250 Watt 320 Watt 380 Watt
- Oil, fluid 200 Watts 250 Watt 300 Watt
- Oil, viscous 120 Watt 150 Watt 180 Watt
- Metals, heating through contact 180 Watts 230 Watt 280 Watt
- Air, stationary 150 Watt 190 Watt 230 Watt

Unheated lengths
Increasing in 50 mm units from the connecting head.

Power (Watt)
Any convenient wattage up to the maximum load values of the corresponding use type. Power limit, one-phase per connection 30 A. In AC current, 30 A per phase. In case of one-phase connection, option of two separate power phases.

Screw connection M6

Tension (Volt)
Any convenient voltage under the precondition that it should be technically feasible.

Operational temperature depends on material of the bores or insertion tubes, maximum 650 °C

Insertion-based construction. For heating of fixed objects in the bores through contact - standard diameter of heating element. For heating of liquids, air and gases in tubes of clear width - standard diameter of heating element. Wall thickness approximately 1÷3 mm (corresponding mechanical requirements or pressure conditions). Tube casing made of non-combustible material. Heat transfer tubes are welded to the container or register to be heated.

Winded heating coils, drawn into the grooves of the longitudinally arranged ceramic components. The grouped parts are screwed to each other with the help of an axially placed rod Made of non-combustible material. In the vertical installation, slumping of the heating coils is prevented by the ceramic mass between the parts. Testing according to VDE 0720.

Ordering information
- Quantity
- Nominal diameter / mounting length
- Tension (Volt) / Power (Watt)
- Unheated length
For use in the vertical installation position, please add the note: "vertical installation".

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