• Surface temperature to 750 °C. • Mid-to-far wavelength infrared heat source provides uniform heat over a large area. • Primary emission in the 3 - 10 micron range (no visible light), which is the most efficient wavelength for heating of platics, paper, textiles, and drying of most solvents. • Available with built-in type K thermocouple. • Available in 122 x 60 mm, 245 x 60 mm, and 122 x 122 mm sizes. • Available with pink surface that turns to gray when heating, providing evidence of correct operation. • Clean, non-contaminating, heat operation. • Glaze-coated ceramic body with no surface flaking or oxidation as on metal sheath elements. • Provides perfectly repeatable performance. • Easily arranged in large arrays that may be set up and controlled in zones. • Operating life over 5,000 hours minimizes machine downtime. • Iron alloy element wire provides longer life than nickel-chrome alloy wires. • Resistant to thermal shock. Heaters are not damaged if hit by water spray.