Drum Heaters for Barrels
 Drum heaters consist of a cylindrical metal cover carrying the flexible heating elements. Standard models are for 200 liter barrels. A 2" thick thermal lagging of glass wool provides insulation and the metal casing makes for a rugged unit that can be wrapped snugly around the drum. Standard models operate on 440 V AC supply.
The inner glass cloth which carries the elements achieves good contact with the drum surface and ensures good heat transfer and high thermal efficiency. A base heater, also encapsulated in metal provides bottom heating. The Drum Heater is hinged, and is mounted on castors for convenience.
Heating Mechanics The drum heater is designed so as to provide maximum heat flux at the bottom. This enables faster more uniform heating. Sectional heating can be provided where partially filled drums have to be heated. The external surface remains at a low temperature to enable safe handling of the heater even with bare hands. There are no hot spots.
The standard temperature control panel consists of 50 - 300 °C thermostat with switch, fuses, socket, contactor etc. However special panels can be designed in case of specific requirements.
Power Cylindrical Heater : 4.5 KW and 6 KW. Base Heater : 1.5 KW.
Features - Ease of handling. - Snug fit avoides hot spots. - Precise temperature control. - Castor wheels mounted for easy mobility. - Rugged metal outside.